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- - 26.4 cm (10.4") 1024 x 768 pixels
- - 80 GB
- - Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) 9 h
Short summary description Fujitsu STYLISTIC ST5021 Centrino / 10 4i TFT XGA Outdoor/ Pentium M 1.1GHz / 2MB SLC 80 GB 26.4 cm (10.4") 0.5 GB:
This short summary of the Fujitsu STYLISTIC ST5021 Centrino / 10 4i TFT XGA Outdoor/ Pentium M 1.1GHz / 2MB SLC 80 GB 26.4 cm (10.4") 0.5 GB data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Fujitsu STYLISTIC ST5021 Centrino / 10 4i TFT XGA Outdoor/ Pentium M 1.1GHz / 2MB SLC, 26.4 cm (10.4"), 1024 x 768 pixels, 80 GB, 0.5 GB, 1.55 kg
Long summary description Fujitsu STYLISTIC ST5021 Centrino / 10 4i TFT XGA Outdoor/ Pentium M 1.1GHz / 2MB SLC 80 GB 26.4 cm (10.4") 0.5 GB:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Fujitsu STYLISTIC ST5021 Centrino / 10 4i TFT XGA Outdoor/ Pentium M 1.1GHz / 2MB SLC 80 GB 26.4 cm (10.4") 0.5 GB based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Fujitsu STYLISTIC ST5021 Centrino / 10 4i TFT XGA Outdoor/ Pentium M 1.1GHz / 2MB SLC. Display diagonal: 26.4 cm (10.4"), Display resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels. Internal storage capacity: 80 GB. Internal memory: 0.5 GB. Weight: 1.55 kg