Short summary description Leitz 52270055 desk tray/organizer Polystyrol Green:
This short summary of the Leitz 52270055 desk tray/organizer Polystyrol Green data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Leitz 52270055, Polystyrol, Green, 255 mm, 357 mm, 70 mm, 280 g
Long summary description Leitz 52270055 desk tray/organizer Polystyrol Green:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Leitz 52270055 desk tray/organizer Polystyrol Green based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Leitz 52270055. Material: Polystyrol, Product colour: Green. Width: 255 mm, Length: 357 mm, Height: 70 mm. Quantity per pack: 1 pc(s). Standard media sizes: A4