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HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software

Dodajte za primerjavo
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Blagovna znamka:
Splošna blagovna znamka proizvajalca, s katero potrošnik pozna njihove izdelke. Proizvajalec ima lahko več blagovnih znamk. Nekateri proizvajalci licencirajo svoje blagovne znamke drugim proizvajalcem.
HP Check ‘HP’ global rank
Ime izdelka:
Ime izdelka je identifikacija izdelka blagovne znamke, pogosto ime modela. Kljub temu, ni popolnoma edinstveno, saj lahko vsebuje nekatere različice izdelka. Ime izdelka je ključni del naslova izdelka Icecat na podatkovnem listu izdelka.
eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software
Koda izdelka:
Edinstveni identifikator izdelkov blagovne znamke. Če so specifikacije identične, so lahko številne kode izdelkov povezane na eno matično kodo izdelkov. Odstranjujemo napačne kode ali morebitne logistične različice.
JE306A show
Prikaži alternativne kode članka, ki se uporabljajo na spletnem trgu
The operating system is the program that gets started first when you switch on your computer or server. All other applications depend on it for correct operation. Some examples of popular operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
Operacijski sistemi Check ‘HP’ global rank
Icecat Product ID:
The Icecat Product ID is the unique Icecat number identifying a product in Icecat. This number is used to retrieve or push data regarding a product's datasheet. Click the number to copy the link.
Kakovost podatkovnega lista: created by HP
Kakovost podatkovnih listov je lahko na več ravneh:
Uvoženi samo logistični podatki: imamo samo osnovne podatke, uvožene od dobavitelja. Urednik še ni ustvaril podatkovnega lista.
created by HP: podatkovni list je uvožen iz uradnega vira proizvajalca. Vendar podatkovni list še ni standardiziran s strani Icecat urednika.
ustvarjeno/standardizirano s strani Icecat: podatkovni list je ustvaril ali standardiziral Icecat urednik.
Ogledi izdelka: 29862
Statistika temelji na 97136 uporaba spletni strani za e-trgovino (e-shops, distributerji, primerjalna mesta, ASP-ji, sistemi za nakup, itd.) za prenos tega Icecat podatkovnega lista od Samo sponzorske blagovne znamke so vključene v brezplačno Open Icecat distribucijo vsebine 94642 brezplačni Open Icecat uporabniki.
Informacije spremenjene na: 07 Mar 2024 15:34:52
Datum zadnje spremembe podatkovnega lista v sistemu Icecat.
Dolgo ime izdelka HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software :
Kratek uredniški opis HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software

HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software
HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software:
Uradno tržno besedilo HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software kot ga je predložil proizvajalec

The HP eXchange Software for VCX solutions offers sophisticated call handling capabilities to help businesses take control of their day-to-day operations and the strategic direction of their call centers. The call center software not only improves visibility of vital key statistics, but also protects and improves revenue by reducing the number of dropped calls in queue, decreasing average wait times, and letting supervisors fine-tune staffing to align with the demands of inbound traffic. The application empowers agents by providing timely access to relevant information so they can respond more quickly to customer requests. And as customer calls are answered faster by skilled, well-informed agents, organizations can promote customer loyalty. The base package includes the eXchange Engine for establishing call routing rules, eXchange Administration for creating call center profiles and parameters, and eXchange Visor for supervising the center and generating management information


• Improved call center operations: HP eXchange Administration software provides multiple managementlevels and access rights to help supervisors monitor and control call center performance; real-time graphical displays of critical information, such as agent/group states, hold times and queue management statistics, andpowerful reporting functions—including an extensive suite of predefined and custom reports—support timely decision making

Additional information

• Lower costs, increased revenue per agent: using supervisory monitoring as a training tool, agents can betaught as they work; relevant learning experiences decrease training time and increase effectiveness; in addition,statistics culled from real-time data produce actionable intelligence, helping managers better deploy agents,removing or adding them to a shift as needed; hold times are also reduced, leading to increased call completions and, by extension, greater captured revenue

Technical features

• Position-in-queue announcements: informs callers of their position in the queue so they can better handle delays or considercontact options; position-in-queue announcements further help customers manage any unavoidable response delays and reduce the number of dropped calls

User productivity

• Improved customer interactions and satisfaction: for fast response to customer needs, inbound calls are efficiently routed to waiting agentsusing any combination of three algorithms (terminal, circular, and longestidle); to help ensure that all responses are from qualified, knowledgeableagents, callers are routed to one of up to 256 ACD groups that organizeagents around the needs of the business—by department, workgroup,and specialties (e.g., language, skills)

Kratek povzetek opisa HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software:
Ta kratek povzetek podatkovnega lista HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software je samodejno ustvarjen in uporablja naslov izdelka in prvih šest ključnih specifikacij.

HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software

Dolg opis povzetka HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software:
To je samodejno generirani dolgi povzetek HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software, ki temelji na prvih treh tehničnih specifikacijah, ki veljajo v prvih petih skupinah.

HP eXchange Visor Monitor VCX Software